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Remembering Ken Golding, a dear friend and CRM pioneer

We are saddened by the passing of Junxure co-founder Ken Golding.

He was a friend to many of us and deeply cared for our clients.

Ken’s family, friends, coworkers and industry partners touched by his infectious spirit are in our thoughts today.

One of Ken’s defining legacies will be his pioneering work developing independent advisor technology.

Before fintech even entered the lexicon, Ken worked to develop a CRM specifically for financial advisors.

Attachment (1) 2In 2001, he joined his friend and Junxure co-founder Greg Friedman, who told CityWire he wanted software to help scale his RIA firm’s growth.

“Within a year or two, his software transformed my business and other people wanted to buy it,” Friedman told the publication. “Junxure was successful and we had a good run, but the best thing I got out of it was a best friend.”

So many of us here at AdvisorEngine can say the same about Ken.

“Friend, mentor, partner, genius, family – Ken is all of these for our AdvisorEngine family,” said Kathy Crowley. “He even cheered us on both professionally and personally.”

“Ken loved helping people solve problems,” said Eric Engberg.

“Ken had a way of making you feel like he genuinely cared about you,” he said. “Any time he came to visit, he would always check in and see how you were doing.”

Ken loved programming with a very contagious enthusiasm, noted Doug Cox. “This enthusiasm and encouragement motivated me to begin programming, and I haven’t looked back since.”

“I have still not met anyone who could turn concept into code as quickly as he could,” added Jesse Levier. “It was routine to hang up the phone in the evening with Ken after discussing a problem that felt like it would take days to solve, only to have him call me first thing in the morning to hop online so I could see that it was done.”

KenMotivating Ken’s drive was serving clients, noted Elliot Lochansky

“If a client called in and couldn’t do something in the software, Ken would sometimes work all night and release a new custom version for them to review the next day.” 

Even when Ken was hard at work, he’d have fun too.

Sue Dooling recalled Ken’s wry sense of humor.

“One time, he helped me with a script,” Dooling said. “As soon as I executed it, he yelled, ‘WAIT!’ Of course, I freaked out a bit, and then he said, ‘Just kidding!’”

Even after AdvisorEngine acquired Junxure, Ken stayed in touch. For many, the relationship extended far beyond work.

Duane Burnett recalled how Ken was a mentor to him in work and in life as well.

“Early in my career, I mentioned to Ken that my tenth wedding anniversary was coming up,” Burnett said. “When he asked what I had planned, I told him a special trip was not in the budget at that time. Two hours later, Ken called back with reservations for a weekend seaside at the Hilton in Nags Head, N.C., and told me to go celebrate the occasion. His generosity has stuck with me for years. For Ken, it was just who he was.”

Attachment“I knew Ken since I was 12 years old,” said Billy Rueckert. “We attended church together, and we quickly established a bond. Ken introduced me to Junxure, pushed me to develop my skills, and encouraged me to take a leap of faith. Ken was always there for us, our clients, and all who knew him. He truly had the heart of a servant and loved to watch those he led and mentored blossom into leaders, experts in their crafts and amazing human beings.”

AdvisorEngine CEO Rich Cancro noted how many AdvisorEngine employees have very fond memories and personal stories to share about Ken.

“Whether in work or life, you always want to be around good people, and Ken was that kind of guy,” Cancro said. 

“He will be remembered for his camaraderie and for his important contributions to fintech. Twenty years ago, he took on the challenge of building a CRM specifically to serve advisors, laying the foundation for advisor technology innovation.”

Ken is survived by his wife, Shirley, and two sons, Chris and David.

Memorial services will be held on January 27th, at 11 a.m. at Lake Placid First Presbyterian Church in Lake Placid, Florida, and on February 4th, at 11 a.m., at Church in the Gardens, Palm Beach Gardens in West Palm Beach.

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Suleman Din

Suleman Din

Suleman Din is AdvisorEngine's Advisor Intelligence Lead. Previously he oversaw technology coverage for American Banker and Financial Planning. At Financial Planning, Din launched ReinventWealth, the first newsletter dedicated to covering the evolution of digital wealth management and helped establish its INVEST conference. Previously, Din was a contributing editor to Knowledge@Wharton, the online business journal of the Wharton School of Business, and reported for the Newark Star-Ledger, where his coverage of the Asian tsunami in 2004 earned him a finalist nod for the Livingston Awards.


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